Make your windows beautiful for Christmas!

Christmas is a very special and magic time. Most of us associate it with joy, family atmosphere, the scent of ginger bread, a note of Christmas delicacies or singing carols. This is why in most houses the pre-Christmas hustle, shopping and cleaning have begun. It's a time for decorating the house, putting up Christmas lights and Christmas trees, decorating the tables. It's also the time when we decorate not only the traditional, green, fragrant Christmas tree, but also the windows, which gives our flat or house a festive, wonderful look.

How can we make our windows shine with beautiful compositions without spending hours on creating decorations and on a limited budget? It's simple. It's worth checking a few simple inspirations to turn the window decorating into great fun for the whole family.

1. Clean the windows

Before we start decorating windows we should wash them thoroughly and dry them with a piece of cloth or paper towel, advises Adam Leik, the Marketing Director in DRUTEX S.A., the biggest window producer in Europe. We may try the traditional methods. Instead of the detergents – use lemon. For ca. 3 litres of water we should add 4 spoonful of lemon – such liquid will quickly remove all the dirt. Vinegar or methylated spirit are some alternatives to lemon. The latter one prevents water from freezing while washing in low temperatures. If we add a few drops of glycerin, dust will not remain on the window pane and it also prevents rain smudges.

We should remember to clean not only the glass, but also the frames. It will make our decorations grip to the glass.

2. Do-it-yourself

It is obvious that we value most the Christmas decorations that we make ourselves! Therefore, let's forget about blinking wreaths in the shape of Santa Claus. They are available in every shop. It is worth making something by yourself, and you don't need great artistic skills! We can make a beautiful decoration by putting on a window sill white fabric or feathers which will imitate snow. The windows will look even more charming with white candles or spruce branches. Another great idea is to collect pines which we gather in the forest, dry and paint, and then put on a string! Decorated this way they will look fantastic in the windows. The festive atmosphere will be enhanced by hand-made paper wreaths or simple Christmas balls pendant on colourful ribbons.

3. Light the windows at Christmas!

To give a festive character to the window decoration and to make it shine, lit candles and blinking lights are a good solution. We don't mean the illumination like in American TV series – opulent, flickering in every corner of the house. We may choose between lights of various shapes and colours, such as bells, santa clauses or the Star of Bethlehem! They are easily available and the prices start with a few zloty. We should remember that we will get the best result by lighting big windows which will stand out in the winter landscape. It's worth remembering a few details. Blinking lights or a very big number of bulbs may disturb us, or even prevent from sleeping. It is similar for lamps with a music box playing Christmas songs. Turning them on and off may be a hassle. It is just a detail, but you should remember that to keep the magic of Christmas. Another idea is to put an Advent candlestick on the sill. Such a decoration will be a feast for the eye, both for the household and the passer-by.

4. Use a child's imagination

If there are children in the house it is worth adopting their original ideas. Children's imagination in unlimited and their Christmas arrangement will definitely be surprising. In such a case, however, we must check if the window is equipped with a handle with a key or a button, so it will be impossible for the child to open it. It is a comfort regarding safety, so it is not worth saving on that, therefore each parent should consider that – advises Adam Leik from DRUTEX. At Christmas time it is easy to find in shops so called artificial snow. Involving children and cutting out patterns in paper we can create a special composition in the window by ourselves. Before Christmas children often bring from schools and kindergartens decorations which they had made by themselves. We all remember how to make artificial snow of tissue paper. It will be a nice gesture to integrate them to the decoration in a visible place. You could also use paint. Paint is easy to wash from the windows after Christmas, so it's worth to let the children show off. Such a composition will be a great decoration of our house.

Thanks to these simple tricks our house will be special, and Christmas atmosphere will be enhanced by colour, flickering lights, patterns, and not only by the smell of home-made cakes.

There is still some time before Christmas, so let's begin!

Merry Christmas and enjoy the great views from the windows.

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